Every great leader must make difficult & unpopular decisions, to solve the #100MillionDollarProblem...or day-to-day. What makes it far easier...
...is having something you point to
that directs and justifies
for the board, employees,
customers, yourself, everyone...
• Why would HCE reductions be heavier in one part of the org?
• Why invest the limited hiring budget in another part of the org?
• Why shift your market positioning & ICP now?
• Why choose to wind-down a particular product?
• Why are you hiring that role from the outside?
• Why are comp & incentive plans changing in this way?
It serves you to have something that you point to that persists.
It was there before your decision
and will be there after your decision.
It's the reason you made your decision.
That persisting anchor explaining WHY
is a well-formulated, documented & socialized
and know the next year will bring some very difficult decisions
but you don't have a clear, compelling, credible #Strategy
upon which to justify all of those hard calls
and we can talk about an (X)Form Strategy engagement.