Executive Transplant Rejection & Failure
We've all seen it. A perfectly great exec fails...
...after joining a new organization.
Like when a perfectly great organ transplant
is rejected by the body it's transplanted into.
🔺 It's. Entirely. Avoidable.🔺
→ 50%-60% of new execs fail within 18 months
→ The cost is up to 10x the executive's salary
→ Tailored exec assimilation can reduce failure by 50%
Challenges meant to be solved by new exec
are delayed by 18+ months.
→ #TIME LOSS you can't afford ←
Org & team are demoralized by this thrash
and delay of change they had hoped for
→ #CULTURAL HIT you can't afford ←
Org & team begins to question the judgment
of the team who brought in the new exec
How about 90-day program
built upon a decades-proven framework
to more successfully integrate new executives?
This is one of the tools
in my Value Creation toolbox.
If you're a #CEO who is hiring a new C-suite player
and we can discuss what this program looks like.