Don't have a scoreboard? Don't know what you're missing. 6 rules for creating a scoreboard on the inputs that drive the desired #outcomes...
A great executional scoreboard has:
(1) Both lead & lag measures - tie executional activity to business impact
(2) Both individual & team scores - balancing ownership for every participant with team spirit/competition/accountability.
(3) "At a glance" simple - within 5 seconds everyone can tell if they're winning or losing
(4) Always visible to the entire team - wherever they spend most of their time - whether that's in Slack or on the production floor.
(5) Is built to engage & motivating the team, not for the manager/coach (who usually wants more detail)
(6) Requires the team to input (and own) their score with the leader only monitoring for accuracy...vs inputing on their behalf.
and you've had multiple missed quarters
on top or bottom-line (lagging metrics),
it may serve you to have a better scoreboard
on all leading metrics around the specific actions
that are the inputs to your desired #outcomes.
Need help creating the right scoreboard
(and process around it)
and we can discuss what
it would look like to get this
set up for your team.
Refining #Strategy + Optimizing #Execution