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Cross-functional teams and their strategic initiatives Fail

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

Your NEXT BIG THING? Research* shows that it's likely to fail in some way. Not because it wasn't the right play. But because...

...of self-inflicted wounds in execution.

If it's the NEXT BIG THING

then definitionally it must require

significant investment of multiple teams:

• Product

• Eng

• Sales

• Marketing

• Finance

• Legal

• etc, etc, etc

If it doesn't,

it's probably not your NEXT BIG THING.



(1 point for each)

1. Systematic approach

2. Consistent, frequent exec-leadership team visibility & discussion

3. Singular accountable cross-functional leader

4. Explicitly accountable functional team members

5. Explicit time allocation design ('day job' vs strategic initiative)

6. Meticulous meeting & communication design

7. Meticulous decisioning & conflict resolution process

8. Precise goals, success metrics, milestones & progress measures

9. Dedicated project management (individual owner + platform)

10. Consistent optimization process (for each of the above)

What's your score?

80% or greater?

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