You, your team, your org is moving more slowly than you'd like. Why? Likely because you don't have a 'Critical Event.' In sales, a Critical Event.... something that creates both urgency and necessity.
It moves an initiative
from a nice-to-have
to a need-to-have.
• A new flagship product launch in 6 months
• A commitment to the Board of Directors next quarter
• The biggest annual industry conference next month
• The pitch to the CEO of your largest prospect in 2 weeks
You have to deliver. No option.
Everyone must rally and hustle.
You can create critical events
***whenever you want***
to rally yourself or your team
to deliver on something sooner
than you would without that event.
Schedule something that includes others
and announce that you will be reviewing/delivering X
so that you put your reputational collateral on the line
Schedule that meeting/call/event for a timeline
that creates urgency and energy and hustle.
If it doesn't make you slightly nervous, it's not soon enough.
Leverage events that already exist.
• All-hands meetings
• MBRs
• Quarterly board meetings
• Weekly 1:1s
So - stop reading this post,
and go create a Critical Event
for yourself and your team
around a Critical Unlock
to make massive progress
toward solving whatever your version
of a $10 Million problem is.
Ready. Set. GO.