This bears repeating! No single #GTM will likely solve for ❌'s next to the other two (see the 90 sec video).
🟩🟩🟩 ACTION 🟩🟩🟩
(1) Survey your Exec Leadership Team
on where they feel these three dynamics
are ✅ or ❌.
(2) Discuss which of the ❌'s you MUST solve,
if you could only solve for one.
*NOTE: You can solve for more than one,
but the binary thought exercise is clarifying.
(3) Ask the "5 Why's" to get to the root issue(s)
in that part of the triangle.
(4) Rally the entire exec team (and org)
around solving for that with:
→ board-level accountability
→ budgetary investments
→ resource allocation
→ comp incentives
→ work streams
→ metrics
→ etc.
Many executive teams may disagree here
(Product & GTM pointing at each other)
or they'll point to the Market if they're
in the same room & conflict averse...
an objective, neutral third party to help
assess these 3 areas with a true diagnostic
instead of a subjective opinion-based approach...
...and we can discuss what this would look like for you.