Asking these 6 questions of your organization is one of the fastest and easiest ways to significantly improve...
(1) Buy-In On Organizational Strategy
It's far more likely
that people align with a direction
they've had the opportunity
to influence.
(2) Creating goodwill and loyalty
An employee once told me that
in posing these questions
I was the first leader who
legitimately asked what they thought
about some of the most important questions
that were usually kept within the C-Suite,
and because of that simple move
they would "follow me into almost any battle."
(3) Success
By refining your strategy with
the input of all who are going to execute it
and improving the buy-in and commitment
of all who are going to execute it
your chances of winning increase significantly
versus your approach of baking your strategy
without them.
• Create a survey
• Identify for themes from the open text feedback
• Ensure that you let the org know what you found
and how the strategy is aligned with
or will be refined by the feedback